Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Coconut milk, Two nights of bacon and a late night walk.

So yesterday (Monday) was day one of my mission to eat better for my thryoid (and all over) health. Well I didnt do very well, I skipped breakfast, I drank some soda. Didnt feel like eating any lunch but I had a balanced dinner. Pan seared chicken rolls with avocado, spinach, tomato, a slice of cheese and.....bacon. Not so good - but to be fair, I had bought the bacon before I read that those with thyroid diseases are more likely to have cholesterol problems.

Today (Tuesday) was much better. I began with a bowl of oatmeal and prunes made with coconut milk by Silk. ( 0 Cholesterol and double Calcium!) Sounds strange but I love how the coconut milk or even the almond milks give a great flavor to things. For Lunch we hade pancakes and fruit - I should have used whole grain flour in hindsight but never mind. Then for dinner we had chicken rolls again only this time we had sauteed mushrooms instead of tomato - I had to use up the rolls before they went stale!

Tomorrow is fish night, hopefully I can redeem myself from eating the bacon...two nights in row!

Took my eldest son to the library and checked out some books on Thyroid health, low fat and low cholesterol meals, and also a couple books about 'Clean' eating. Not too sure what they are about but the pictures looked good. I think it will be recipes to eat more whole foods without additives. SCORE!

As far as household chemicals, (endocrine disruptors) I have yet to use up all of the laundry detergent we already have or the dish soap. Once those are used up its natural soaps from now on...especially after reading an artical about Triclosan in this months Martha Stewart Whole Living. Isnt it ironic how when you need help or infomation, things get thrown your way? Well, sometimes. I have a subscription to the magazine and just as I start to research things that could mess with my thyroid, I open the magazine to find a section devoted to thyroid health.

My hormones must be peaking these last couple of night because this Insomnia lark is a pain in the rump, so I took our dog out for an impromptu walk - which he appreciated - and now I feel a little more able to wind down. Lets see...

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