Friday, May 18, 2012

Preperation for more Natural Living.

So we went to eat at a chinese place with some friends tonight, probably not at all good for wellness but I have 2 more days before my detox. I also ate 2 chocolate cupcakes today. Oh how I will miss cake. I will have to find more yummy recipes using whole grain flour and good quality dark chocolate. I am finindg myself less tolerant of alcohol with this illness, I just tried to drink 8floz of a Lime-Beer drink and I can feel it and I think it will be very easy to abstain from alcoholic drinks...I'll stick with my fresh lemonade I made up in a pitcher.

An interesting thing I read today is that a chemical in stain resistant sofas and non stick pans make people twice as likely to have thyroid diseases ( Good thing we have leather seating. I do use non stick pans but have been wanting a cast iron skillet for so long this might be the final push!

In my persuit of trying to eliminate chemicals, such as Triclosan found in antibacterial soaps which has been linked with Thyroid disruption (, I love to use products by BabyGanics. I am not being payed to advertise but I know lots of parents want to use more natural product around thier children and I love these products as they really do work, and they can be bought as a package deal. I also make soap the old fashioned way using fats and Lye, I started making soaps for gifting but now I have a Thyroid disease I am going to start making them as an essential commodity and use them in making my own laundry detergent. There are lots of web pages with soap recipes out there but my adivce is make sure you get them from an official source as Lye can be dangerous and if the recipe is a home expericment recipe the quantities may not be right and you may end up with caustic soap.
Not Fun. As an example of one of the many great soap recipe resources, I like to go to my local library and get books though as believe it or not I dont like to work recipes from the computer, I like to have a book.
Ok well thats me done bombarding my new blog for today. Tomorrow, I will create a list of all the things I like to eat that I will have to ration. :(

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