Friday, May 18, 2012


I propose a one year detox process to phase out processed foods (with the exception of the odd restraunt meal with my family) and non-essential chemical products in our home. I have recently been diagnosed with Hashitoxicosis, a Thyroid disease, and my reasearch for natural wellness has led me to the goal of only eating foods in thier natural states as found in nature and no refined foods. I will cook foods, and still eat sweet things but will bake whatever I want to have as a treat and use honey for sweetner and whole grain flour.
I already use many natural cleaners in my home, but since reading that certain chemicals can aggravate or even promote a Thyroid disease, I am opting to phase out all non-essential chemicals. I aim to only continue using a particular toilet cleaner that is the only prouduct I have found to get rid of the hard water deposits (that reoccur every week!).
I grow a small vegetable garden and do so organically, and my friend and I have canning days and can our produce or when we can buy bulk organic produce at a good price. I breastfeed my 4.5month old eliminating as many farming based chemicals from my diet is important as they can accumulate in breast milk.
We have two sons, 4.5 months and 21month, I aim to try to by green and BPA free toys whenever possible.
Date to begin a detox for a Happy Thyroid - May 21st 2012

Here it goes!

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